HR Chat Room

Workplace Evolution: AI and the future of work

July 26, 2024 Alison Bell & Jen Brown Season 2 Episode 6

Alison Bell (Bell HR) and Jen Brown (J7 Evolve) recap the last episode discussing the evolution of workplace technology and move on to the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the workplace.

Key Points:
1. Conference Insights:
Alison shares her experience from Scotland’s HR Network Conference where the discussion focused on the future of work and AI's role in shaping it.
Key takeaway: Technology has always been evolving, and AI is the latest phase of this continuous change.

2. Historical Context:
Alison and Jen reflect on past technological changes, such as the automation of mail handling with initial panic around job security and eventual adaptation and role evolution.
Comparison of past fears to current concerns about AI replacing jobs.

3. AI in the Modern Workplace:
AI's potential to handle large volumes of data and repetitive tasks efficiently. Example: AI's ability to shortlist CVs without fatigue or bias. 
Jen and Alison discuss AI's role in decision-making processes and the human-AI collaboration for optimal outcomes.

4. Human Concerns and Adaptation:
Fears about AI leading to job loss and changes in job roles. The need for organisations and governments to manage these transitions. Emphasis on reskilling and supporting employees through these changes.

5. AI and Job Design:
The evolution of job roles with AI integration, ensuring that human elements remain in roles that require complex decision-making and empathy.

6. Privacy and Monitoring:
Ethical considerations around AI monitoring and data usage, importance of setting boundaries and regulations on how much data is gathered and used. Ensuring transparency and fairness in AI applications.

7. Human Touch in AI Decisions:
Necessity of human involvement in areas requiring emotional intelligence and ethical judgment.
Examples - from healthcare and HR where human interaction remains crucial.

8. Future of AI and Human Collaboration:
The potential for AI to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them and encouraging a balanced view of AI as a tool that complements human work.

9. Policy and Ethical Considerations:
The need for policies to manage AI implementation responsibly, ensuring AI decisions are free from discrimination and bias.
Alison and Jen discuss how to teach AI fairness and ethical considerations.

Contact Information:

Alison Bell of Bell HR: or on linked in

Jen Brown: J7 Evolve Limited, Home - J7 Evolve and connect on LinkedIn -