HR Chat Room

Workplace Evolution: AI and Learning

August 30, 2024 Alison Bell & Jen Brown Season 2 Episode 7

This time Alison Bell (Bell HR) is not with us, we missed you Alison!
In Alison's place is Clay Lowe (Clay Lowe – Trainer and Coach) sharing his AI knowledge with Jen Brown (J7 Evolve).  In this episode the focus is on AI as it relates specifically to learning in the workplace.

Key Points:
1. Getting comfortable with AI:
Jen shares her experience from trying out some AI provisions and backing off when the sign up process asked for access to files, which is not an option when protecting client materials.  Some of Jen's reticence comes from fear of the unknown, so getting to know it better will alleviate the worries

2. AI has been in use for longer than we think
Clay makes the point that we have been used to AI for a long time now, think of auto-correct, dictate and the like on Office applications, Grammarly etc....
It is Generative AI that is so new and has recently been released to wider use and we are wary but our data has been used to train open AI to make it more useful.  We can request that our data is not used and we can also get personal AI that is closed.

3. AI and learning management systems (LMS) in the Workplace:
Jen talks about how AI can help large companies make their learning management systems more tailored to individuals which is something that has previously been a challenge.

4. AI can adapt to individuals and learn for the interactions with them:
It can realise what they already know and what the gaps are very quickly. It can respond in real time and summarise a huge amount of information, accordingly, and very fast.  Then it can take questions and answer back!

5. It will also learn
If you ask AI for something and it's not quite what you had in mind you will get more specific with it and it will change the results for you, the more specific you are in the beginning the better the early results will be.

6. AI and Role-play:
AI can role-play with you in a very real way and give you feedback, most people we might have on a workshop will recoil when we mention the words role-play but it feels so much easier in private with a non human...

7. AI role-play example:
Clay does role-play live and in the moment with ChatGPT and gets feedback...

8. AI and coaching:
Some feedback from people who have used an AI coach has been about it staying focused and on track, not straying as a human might, and not feeling that they couldn't say some things for fear of what the coach thinks.

8. AI and neurodiversity:
AI can also learn and adapt to learners, not only the learning style but the unique learning differences individuals may have.

9. Different uses of AI:
There is so much AI can do to reduce the time it takes for a human to process information so it can be used for multiple different things, it can help trainers, learners, it can interact in speech or in writing, it can put the writing together and edit, and on and on...

10. AI tools to try
Clay gives Jen some info on what tools do what, which ones to try out for different purposes and Jen decides to have a playdate and get to know it a little better.

Contact Information:

Alison Bell of Bell HR: or on linked in

Jen Brown: J7 Evolve Limited, Home - J7 Evolve and connect on LinkedIn -